The Next Game - (500M Score) -

The Next Game – (500M Score)

Corrupt X
Views: 8917
Like: 302
Here lies another inspired .io game: Rather new, and you can play as a celestial once you reach level 60 in game, something which may actually be really good for the game if done correctly. With a bunch of new upgrades and different ideas, this could go somewhere.

This marks the 4th .io game inspired by

0:00 Part 1
8:59 Part 2


Music from Epidemic Sound ()


  1. Ahh yes 500M, what diep players thought a diep 1m was in arras.

  2. 10q imagine what gun it would be to take on such a menace

  3. Seems incredible, yet I would give it a little time to be stable, looks fun and exciting, also people like that salt lord may try to ruin the fun for ppl. (also ull find me mostly in arassio as either LaserMoon or Moon's Child, idk why those names grew on me lol)

  4. Turk yada Azerbaycandan izleyenlere selam olsun

  5. If you have to go to scripts just to kill corrupt x, you know how good corrupt is.

  6. I Was waiting for someone like you make vid of this game! i play it all time when the game did get maked

  7. I like this because i can finally build my custom tanks
    however the lag is pain

  8. me, Corrupt Y, Vap, and Core got like 80 billion, not sure what you doin here Corrupt X L o l, thanks for showin the game tho, helps get players in.

  9. The problem is that not singular io games are dead,
    but the whole .io net is dead.

    ( could've been pretty awesome, but…

    I was just born too late.)

    Btw, this is why you don't add a chat in a .io game
    (didn't expect to see scripts so fast lmao.)

  10. 4:31 oh hey thats me

    the lag was so intense I couldnt even see what was happening until 20 seconds after it actually happened. the game is really cool though and has some nice concepts.

  11. I smell this game is going to be toxic already.

  12. i guess i should've joined, thought this was just another clone, the new celestial system and the upgrades at the right are incredibly cool additions. i'll play the game sometime

  13. I was in the video! (Nyxia_) it was fun playing with you

  14. Every .io game ends up becoming a toxic mess with trash talk left right and centre
    This one won’t last long either

  15. ᚴᚱᛁᚴᛅᚱᛅᚾ ᛅᚢ ᚾᚬᚱᛏᛅᚾ says:

    Can't play, no EU servers are up yet, will wait for that tho, game look like everything I wanted in

  16. Cool game indeed. Chat is not a good idea in my opinion.

  17. theres a 5 second delay for EVERYTHING I DO THIS GAME SUCKS

  18. 11:10 this guy is the saddest and stupidest player i even seen, this just proves how bad he is

  19. if they fix the lag, the game is actually going to kinda explode, i feel like.

  20. i tried playing with 5 players on the server and its like 10000+ ms

  21. i think that this gsme can become good, we just have to wait for the servers to become more stable really

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