How Many Pets Can I Tame in 1 Hour on ?! -

How Many Pets Can I Tame in 1 Hour on ?!

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So, i tried this new challenge on taming which is basically to tame as much pets as possible in 1 hour! It was kind annoying since all you have to do is to *tame for an entire hour* but yeah i managed to finish it, and found some little spectrum pets in a normal biome what’s actually pretty strange. Anyways i hope you’ll enjoy this video!

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β–Ί Music used

Kovan & Alex Skrindo – Into The Wild (feat. Izzy) [NCS Release]

Defqwop – Awakening [NCS Release]

Raven & Kreyn – Muffin [NCS Release]

#Tamingio #Taming #iogames